How marketing efforts can be made more efficient and effective to channelize support from businesses, people and governments
Fundraising has always been a challenge for NGOs & this is very critical to meet strategic objectives.
How to make hiring process efficient and how to attract genuine volunteers.
We make you visible. Your impact profile engages your followers and crowdsources your efforts.
We bring you resources. By participating in cause marketing you attract investments from the crowd.
Crowdsource solution for your hiring challenges. Build your credibility stronger with testimonials from people and brands. Connect with people who share your passion on cause(s) you work upon.We attract enthusiasm
Grow your NGO by marketing & fundraising
Build your impact profile through our DIY platform. Let everyone know what you stand for, how you work and what help you need
Let your impact profile be exposed to your community, businesses & governments. Build your own community of supporters & followers.
Receive funds and keep your good work going. Let everyone know how their help has made an impact.