Helping all early talent find their next opportunity

Join the network to start a great career & get hired.
#Students | #EarlyProfessionals

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How Sociocharge works


Create your profile

Set your career path & work preferences.
Add your key skills & modern tools you know.


Meet people who help you land an opportunity

Learn from experiences of your seniors & industry experts. Engage with your peers on shared career goals.


Build & showcase your skills

Keep your profile updated. Companies find you though talent leader-board & your profile.


Get hired

Find personalised jobs & internships. Apply through your Sociocharge profile in one click and get hired.

Join the community of students coming from...

AI-powered personalised career building opportunities & jobs

Get your personalised career dashboard to access:

  • Learning resources & events to bridge the skill gap.
  • Business challenges & live projects to showcase skills.
  • Personalised jobs & internships to get hired.

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Leverage the power of Sociocharge network

Learn from experiences of your seniors and industry experts. Ask your career related questions and let community help you.

Showcase your skills, values & preferences on your Sociocharge profile

There are many ways you showcase proof of your skills:

  • Compete to solve real business problems of companies.
  • Add proof of your past work experience and skills learned.
  • Add your video resume & 10X your chances to get hired.

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Bird's - eye view of Sociocharge

Personalised space to kickstart your career

Learning resources | Clubs | Jobs | Internships | Tests | Challenges | Projects

Unified & dynamically updated profile

Update your learning & experiences | Apply to job directly with your Sociocharge profile.

Intelligent notifications & alerts

Never miss an update related to your career direction.

100s of industry-validated tests to boost your skill credit score

Never miss an opportunity, showcase skills on your Sociocharge profile that your favourite companies look for. (coming soon..)

Compete to step up on the leader-board

Raise your bar and compete on skills to stand out from crowd.

Leverage the power of Sociocharge network

Peer-to-peer engagements around your career direction. Help others and get help.

What students are saying.

"I got a sense of direction very quickly. Now I am more focussed on my career direction."

Niyati, 2nd year, B-tech, NSIT

"Opportunity to ask career related questions is amazing. We learn from each other very well."

Dev, IIM Indore

"Competing in business challenges to solve real business problems is wonderful. I got a chance to work in team setting."

Raksha, MBA, GLIM

Navigate your career with Sociocharge

Navigate your career with Sociocharge

"Start from day #1 in your college."

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